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Local Rank Tracker Tool
Check your local search rankings in any city or country!

  • Organic rankings
  • Local pack rankings
  • Map rankings
for any city
& country
Track all keyword rankings that matter
to your local business — with local Rank Tracker tool!

It's no secret that local SEO is on the rise — two searchers standing just several miles away from each other now get completely different online search results in Google. Not to mention people searching from two different cities or countries!

Searcher's location is an important ranking factor for which Google not only customizes the top 10 organic results on the page. It inserts a very specific Local Pack block into the SERP, listing 3 local businesses and a link to the Maps view.

Do you know where your site ranks in each of these local search result types in the particular city you target? Do you want to find your business in the localized shortlist of Google Places? Or are you looking for the right rank checker tool for local SEO to get accurate local rankings?

Collect a bunch of listings from Google Local tracking, Google Maps, and organic local geo-ranking — all under one SEO tool. Start tracking local search rankings with Rank Tracker!

Track local Google listings

With the option to check local SEO rankings in any search engine, Rank Checker gives you the most complete picture of your site's performance and progress in terms of local SEO. Working with local search rankings is now simple and convenient.

Track accurate local rankings in any city and country
Schedule your local search rank checks to run on autopilot
Report on your local search rankings' progress to your clients or boss
Check your local SEO rankings — in any Google location!
Rank Checker monitors local pack, maps, and organic search ranking results in any city and country.

Ready to dig into the local searches keyword data and track all local pack rankings of your business? Then here's how you can do that with Rank Checker's local finder features.

Checking local rankings for desktop and mobile in Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.
  1. Run Rank Tracker.
  2. Create a new project and specify your project info on Steps 1-3.
  3. At Step 4, press the Add More Search Engines button and select those search engines where you would like to track local rankings: Google, Google Mobile, Bing, Bing Mobile, Yahoo, Yahoo Mobile, and many more:

Add any search engine relevant for your location

  1. After the analysis is done, check the Rank Tracking dashboard to see how you or your competitors rank for local keywords.

Checking SERP results from your own location

Say, you run a Seattle-based plumbery and need to check Google rankings the way your neighbor John sees them. Then all you need to do to get this local search Rank Checker data is:

  1. Launch Rank Tracker.
  2. Create a new project and specify your project info on Steps 1-3.
  3. At Step 4, press the Add More Search Engines button and pick Google, (Maps), and Mobile as your preferred search engines.

Track Google Maps or Google mobile results

  1. When your rankings are checked, add the selected search engines to your active columns by clicking the Add columns button in the top right corner.

Track ranking difference once you've done some SEO changes on the page

  1. Now you can see how your website ranks in the location-specific SERP and the local pack as well as its Maps rankings on Google for the customers from Seattle:

Tracked organic listings and rich features in Rank Tracker

  1. You can repeat the same procedure for Yahoo local, Bing local, or other local search results.

Checking SERP results as if from a certain location

Say, you are a company with offices in different towns, an agency with clients all around the world, or you're simply away on holiday and need to track local citations you have back home. Set Rank Tracker to check geo-specific rankings with the help of local SERP Tracker functions. To get such localized rankings data:

  1. Launch Rank Tracker.
  2. Create a new project and specify your project info on Steps 1-3.
  3. At Step 4, press the Add More Search Engines button and create custom search engine for the desired location by pressing the + button next to your preferred search engine. Press Add custom and edit the location filter, entering your region and city.

Track search by location as precise as a street name in a town

  1. Repeat the same process to create custom search engines for all your other selected search engines for any geo-location you target or to track multiple locations.
  2. Now you can see local SERP rankings for your multi locations and track accurate geo-rankings of your website in organic results, the local 3-pack, and maps rankings in the different geo locations you've specified:

Tracking organic search in multiple locations

Monitor all your organic and local search rankings,
set rank checking for multi locations, and see exactly where you're ranking in any city — with your maps ranking tool
Rank Tracker is so much more than a local position checker tool.
Check out all of its powerful features!

With local rank checking and a whole lot of other fantastic time-saving local SEO tools, Rank Tracker is everything you need for quick and accurate SEO rank tracking + in-depth keyword research.

Unlimited rank tracking

Not only Google My Business alone! Track any number of sites and keywords in any of the 550+ supported search engines. Get all the data, both for desktop and mobile, in real time, exactly when you need it most.

Track unlimited keywords and domains

Competitor rank monitoring

Observe local business ranks to have a competitive edge. Keep an eye on competitors' rankings along with your own to see how effective their SEO strategies are.

Competitors' rank monitoring graph

Comparing rankings with ANY date in the past

Choose to compare your current local ranking positions with the best or worst, previous or the first ever result. Or even set a custom date for comparison.

Set automated custom rank checks

Checking if the right local pages rank in search results

Associate specific landing pages with keywords and get notified when the wrong page shows up in the local SERP.

Tracking with a keyword map to avoid keyword cannibalization

20+ powerful keyword research methods

Seeking to optimize content for Google My Business page and drive convertible traffic? Pull hundreds of keyword ideas with the widest selection of advanced keyword suggestion mechanisms and various sources on the market in a unified local Rank Checker.

24 keyword research tools

Keyword Efficiency and Difficulty

The SERP checker tool uses unique and reliable algorithms to estimate how profitable and easy-to-rank-for each keyword is.

Estimate keywords by Keyword Difficulty and Keyword Efficiency Index

Track Google SERP features

Google search listings now consist of two types of results: regular and specialized (images, videos, news, local packs, featured snippets, and more). When you enable the Track multiple results for keyword mode in Rank Checker, you can check rankings for 15 types of such SERP types.

Track featured snippets and other Google rich results

White-label for local search reporting

Enjoy customizable local search reporting. Move widgets around, adjust color schemes, brand your reports with company and customer logos — and do that via the drag-n-drop editor to instantly see the difference!

Add logos and company names to your SEO reports

Google Ads and Analytics integration

Get data on search volume, visits, bounce rates, and other metrics directly from your Google Ads and Analytics accounts.

Integrate Rank Tracker with Google Analytics and Keyword Planner


How do you track local ranks in Rank Tracker?

Here is how: go to your project's Preferences > Preferred Search Engines. There, for every search engine, you can click the Add Custom button, and you'll be able to fill out your address precisely. From then on, you'll see your target keywords rankings for the exact location you need.

Can I check local rankings in Google Maps using Rank Tracker?

You can check your Google Maps rankings by simply adding Google maps in your Preferred Search Engines. From then on, in your Rank Tracking module, add the Google Maps column, and voilà! You'll get the local rankings in Google Maps.

Can I track my competitors' local ranking?

Sure! To track your competitors' local ranking, you simply need to add a competitor in Preferences > Competitors. From then on, you go to Preferences > Preferred Search Engines, find the Add Custom button, and specify the location you're interested in. From now on, in you Rank Tracking module, you'll be able to add a column seeing how well your competitor ranks locally.

Is your local rank tracker free?

Yes, Rank Tracker has a free version with local rank tracking functionality. You'll still have an unlimited amount of projects and unlimited keywords you can track and research. That said, you will only be able to track one competitor's rankings (local and otherwise). Head to this page to compare the different editions of Rank Tracker.

Is Rank Tracker's data accurate?

Rank Tracker's mechanism guarantees accurate ranking data for any location. This tool passes the exact GPS coordinates of your custom geo-location with each keyword query. That's very similar to what happens when you use the location emulation feature in Google Chrome.